Q: How long is a session?
A: An individual therapy session typically lasts 50 minutes.
Q: Is counselling covered by insurance?
A: Each client needs to check with their own insurance policy to see what cover they have for counselling. International insurances policies accept.
Q: If I can't afford the standard rates can i still avail of counselling?
A: Yes, I am a strong believer that therapy support should be available for all, please contact me to discuss a rate that you can afford.
Q: What is your cancellation policy?
A: My cancellation policy is that sessions will be charged in full if I am not given 24 hours notice.
Q: How secure are online sessions?
A: Both Skype and Facetime are fully encrypted. If you access these tools on a private secure Wi-Fi network it is fully secure. If you use a public Wi-Fi network it is not fully secure.
Q: How do I make a complaint?
A: As part of my professional associations, there is a clear and defined process to follow to make a formal complaint. For making a complaint in the Netherlands please follow the link to SCAG complaints procedure ( https://www.scag.nl/media/291382/folder.pdf ). Also information can be found here ( https://www.degeschillencommissiezorg.nl/ )
Q: How do I report domestic violence?
A: As part of my professional associations, there is a clear and defined process to follow to report domestic violence. To report in the Netherlands please follow the following link to the procedure ( https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/huiselijk-geweld/meldcode )
Q: What happens if an incident happens during a session?
A: As part of my professional associations, there are clear and defined processes to follow to record an incident. I will record the incident using the following procedure in the Netherlands (https://www.abvc.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Protocol-Veilig-Incident-Melden.pdf)